Blue - 73207 - 18ml
Game Wash is the color palette for washing effects and techniques on miniatures to show on the surface of aging, use, wear and shadows. It can also be used on other surfaces. Game Wash is a transparent, very fluid acrylic paint that is mainly used for shading techniques on figures and vehicles, as well as for creating glaze and filter effects.
Game Wash is designed for use with a brush, but can also be sprayed with an airbrush if diluted accordingly.
The washes sepia and black are available in a 200 ml can. This allows the figures to be shaded quickly by simply submerging them completely in the container.
The new r-PET (recycled/recyclable) plastic bottle is completely transparent, improving color visualization and reinforcing Acrylicos Vallejo's commitment to sustainability and the environment. The new closure comes with a security seal.
Game Color is manufactured according to European regulations and complies with ASTM D-4236, an independent certification that guarantees that no harmful substances that could pose a risk to the health of the user and the environment are used.